Our mission

To deliver the market’s best online survey system for collection of valuable knowledge and insights that take organisations to the next level.

Accordingly, defgo is a simple, functional and easily accessible system that can be used by everybody whether you’re a beginner or an experienced user.

About defgo

defgo is an analysis tool that makes it possible to carry out all kinds of online surveys. Through the last 10 years, we have built a knowledge and an experience that make us able to be abreast of our users' needs and wants. Therefore, you can be assured that we always offer the best and most user-friendly analysis tool on the market to execute online surveys.

In short

With defgo, you get a highly specialised survey tool delivering valuable insights into the meanings of central stakeholders, thus creating a solid foundation for the improvement of the organisation's management, service and marketing.

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New insights that boost the bottom line

Get in contact and learn more about how defgo can help your company. Our experienced employees are organised in business specific divisions and are thus able to provide you with qualified answers and solutions that match the specific needs of your company. Let us tell you more about how we help others to collect feedback from customers and employees within your line of business and get inspiration to start up your own project.

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Set up free trial, now!

Write us: or use the Contact form for support

Phone:+45 888 21 889

(open Monday to Thursday 8.30 am to 4 pm CET, Friday 8.30 am to 3 pm CET)

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